My First Book.
This book is a collection of stories about how throughout my life I have encountered people and places that have inspired me to be more loving, more compassionate and, hopefully, more like Jesus. It tells the stories of how we can all wrestle together with our understanding of the Bible, and through grace, we can find unity because of our differences.

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Hi, I’m Andrew Benson
My name is Andrew and I was born and raised in Newfoundland, Canada. I have called many cities and towns across the country home since then. My dog Nova is my best friend, and we both enjoy a good hike and a campfire. I have shared my life over the years with others who care about community, poverty, justice, love, and a good laugh. My faith in God is near and dear to my heart; flowing out from that is a sense of adventure, a curious mind, and a heart to serve alongside people in the neighbourhood. All that wrapped up in the mystery of God’s love and grace – I’d call that a good day.
This book is a collection of stories about how throughout my life I have encountered people and places that have inspired me to be more loving, more compassionate and, hopefully, more like Jesus. It tells the stories of how we can all wrestle together with our understanding of the Bible, and through grace, we can find unity because of our differences.
Why Did I Write This Book: Much of my Christian life has been compartmentalized: Sunday services, Bible studies, small groups, prayer meetings and special times to serve the community. Over time, we’ve created unhelpful divisions: ministry and not ministry, Christian and non-Christian, have and have-nots. But I have noticed that so much of life is lived right at the blurry line of this or that. All I know is the people and places where I expected to see God the least are where I’ve seen God the most. The experiences, thoughts and whatever happens in-between are crucial and pivotal moments. I know this is where God loves to love us. This is where we can have renewed peace in our hearts and where our faith can feel real again.
If God is everywhere, how do I live knowing that? Is there anywhere in our lives God isn’t present? How do I live a fully awakened life and be aware of God’s presence in the world? Is God even real? Ultimately, this book is an opportunity for us – you (the reader), me (the storyteller), and the Holy Spirit – to explore questions like these together. We will allow God to release what is unhelpful, inspire us towards unity, and redeem the in-between spaces of our journey in faith.
How did I go about writing this book: I have been carefully writing the stories that have stirred my heart. I have been researching topics from an intentionally widespread and diverse collection of voices to shape my understanding and examine events that have impacted me. To the best of my limited human ability, I have attempted to make sense of theology in a way that feels practical. This book isn’t about the answers I’ve found or the wisdom I’ve gained. It’s about the journey we’re all on and surrendering our whole lives to Jesus.

Who is this book for?
This book is a welcoming space for anyone who’s ever felt shaky in their beliefs, wondered about the bigger questions in life, or felt like they’re just zombies walking through the daily grind. It’s a space for folks from all walks of life, regardless of whether they identify as Christian or not. Yes, this book is written from my perspective as a Christian, it’s the lens I see the world through. But don’t worry, I’m not trying to convert you or anything. Regardless of where you are in life, I hope you somehow find some peace in these pages. A peace that goes beyond all understanding. A tall order, I know, but hey, gotta hope.
See, the thing is, we’re all on this shared journey together, trying to figure things out as we go. So whether you’re a devout believer, someone exploring different spiritual paths, or even if you need help figuring out where you stand on the whole faith thing, my book is for you. Or at least I like to think so. You tell me.
It’s about finding comfort in uncertainty, finding beauty in the ordinary, and finding connection with something bigger than ourselves. So yeah, while there might be plenty of Christian themes woven throughout, the heart of it is really about the human experience—our struggles, our questions, and our search for meaning. And hey, I’d like to think I have a few funny stories to share that I hope also give you a little laugh.
My hopes and dreams…
Now, when people ask me what my book is “about” and why I wrote it, I’ve learned to answer with what I hope it does for readers. My big hope? That for anyone feeling a bit worn out in their faith (like me many times), offering them some comfort and maybe even a little break.
For those wrestling with big, challenging questions, I hope my book feels like a friendly companion saying, “Hey, you’re not alone in this.” Trust me; I’m asking just as many questions as I’m answering on those pages.
And for anyone feeling lost or confused, I hope they find a gentle nudge toward some clarity and deeper understanding. Plus, I want folks to realize that they matter. We’re all part of something bigger, you know?
In the everyday stuff of life, I want readers to see the wonder of God in the mundane and remember that they’re like little reflections of something bigger and extraordinary. And hey, I’m totally cool if someone reads it and thinks, “Hmm, I’m not sure I agree with that.” Feedback’s all good, as long as it’s friendly!
At the end of the day, I want folks to finish my book feeling a little lighter and a lot more encouraged. Because honestly, can you ever have too much encouragement? I sure don’t think so.
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Thank You
I have spent most of my adult life traveling and living all over Canada. To all the friends I’ve made in shelters, parks, bars, coffee shops, churches and jails. To all the friends whose lives have been taken too soon on the streets, I love you. Your lives have inspired my writing, and I am forever thankful. Thank you for sharing in heaven now and the one to come.
Thank you for supporting this project. I couldn’t do this alone and it wouldn’t be the same without you.
Take care, friends. See you on the road when I tour this thing.
Illustrations by Jacob Rolfe
Jacob is a wandering artist sometimes living on the south shore of Nova Scotia. His work can be found at
Who would have thought, after all these years of watching The Trailer Park Boys, that I would one day collaborate with Jacob on the artwork for my first book? Good times!

Through a series of lively concerts, art displays, and community events, Concert for Socks brings people together to raise awareness and support for individuals experiencing homelessness, poverty, mental health challenges, and other forms of adversity.